Fun, magical world-building fact! Thyra and Mannequin (you know, purple lady what bites the things) both have mind-control powers. Thyra’s powers operate very different from Mannequin’s though.

1) Thrya doesn’t bite anyone, she just touches them.

2) Thyra can only control humans, Manny can control both humans and animals

3) Mannequin has to control her marks at all times; Thyra’s marks can carry on their lives with free will, just, you know, marked.

4) Thyra can seize control and command any slave from any distance, and  doesn’t have to worry about them confusing orders or running into walls while in a trance or anything. Her magic is great like that, and Thrya was hired for it. Manny was hired because she has a great personality.

Both variations of slavery still really hurt, and suck to be under. Sabine basically woke up from a trance feeling like someone was suffocating her.